Being flexible about your goals and how you achieve them means that you will enjoy the journey but also be more likely to achieve your dreams. Julia Chi Taylor explains.  

Goal setting and achieving our dreams are often written and spoken about. We are encouraged to stay motivated and focused on achieving our dreams. No matter what, we must keep believing.

I would echo that ‘keeping on, keeping on’ and believing is important. Many dreams fall by the wayside because people lose heart and stop too soon. 

To prevent this from happening, there’s another perspective worth considering – being flexible with your goals can be just as important as setting them in the first place. 

What Does Flexibility Mean?

Flexibility means having the ability to adapt and change when needed. Just like a flexible body can move more efficiently, a flexible mindset can help you adjust to life’s complexities. When you allow yourself to be adaptable, you’re better equipped to face challenges and seize opportunities.

A Good Metaphor For Life

Trying to move with a stiff or sore body is not easy! The same principle applies to your mind. If you have a fixed mindset, you could miss out on various ways of thinking and opportunities for growth. 

When Plans Are Too Rigid

As a lifelong athlete, I’ve learned the importance of flexibility first-hand. In my running career, comprehensive and detailed training plans are designed to achieve specific outcomes. However, even these plans require a degree of flexibility. 

Enjoying The Journey

After over 50 years of competing, I still love setting goals for running. I’m currently training to improve my 5K run time. Although I’m in the top five females in my age category, I always find it fun to see if I can reach the number 1 spot! 

I’ve always been someone who reaches high and then enjoys whatever happens! I’m not attached to the outcome. I enjoy the challenge of the process itself.

If I don’t make it to the top spot, it’s OK. I just love training, seeing how fast I can run, and discovering what’s possible.

Finding The Best Way For You

Often, we become so focused on achieving a goal that we forget to consider if it’s still the best course of action. 

Many people believe that ‘practise makes perfect’. This isn’t necessarily true. If you’re practising incorrectly, it won’t lead to the outcome you have in mind.

‘Practise makes permanent’ – so be aware of which direction your practise is taking you. 

Have An Open Mind

Flexibility also involves being open to other people’s ideas. You don’t have to agree with them, but listening can offer new perspectives and alternatives. This openness can be incredibly beneficial in both your personal and professional life.

Is It What You Want?

You might sometimes pursue goals to gain approval from peers, parents, or partners. Flexibility allows you to reassess whether your path is genuinely for you. It’s important to look after yourself, ensuring your goals align with your inner voice and true aspirations and support your wellbeing.

Being organised and having structure is important, but so is trusting the process and allowing room for flexibility. Plans can and should be adjusted based on new information and changing circumstances. 

Set your goals, but remain adaptable. Trust in the process, and everything will come together.


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