The theme of Mental Health Awareness Week this year is the benefit of movement for improving mood. Julia Chi Taylor explains that while exercise can offer a temporary boost, it’s not a long-term solution for emotional issues.

In recent years, there’s been a notable shift in how we deal with mental health. Gone are the days of the stiff upper lip, replaced with an era where sharing and openness are encouraged. This year’s Mental Health Awareness Week shines a spotlight on movement and its benefits for mental well-being.

As a former personal trainer and now a therapist and motivational speaker, I can attest to the power of movement. Yet my experience has taught me that exercise, while hugely beneficial, is merely a piece of the puzzle.

For over 40 years, I’ve had the privilege of working closely with people on their mental and emotional health journeys. My unique position (as well as my own life experiences and relationships) have allowed me to understand the robust complexity of human emotions and the intricacies of mental and emotional health. In my experience, addressing mental health requires us to engage with “the whole person”.

Exercise: A Temporary Solace

Running and other forms of physical activity undoubtedly provide a temporary boost in mood. The rush of endorphins can be uplifting. However, it’s not a long-term solution to any emotional issues you may be carrying. While this year’s Mental Health Awareness Week encourages movement for better mental health, I caution against viewing exercise as a standalone solution. Movement can indeed clear your head, but you can’t outrun emotional issues. Running may make you feel better, but no amount of miles can solve your problems. And what happens if you get injured?

The Necessity of Self-awareness

The key to lasting mental well-being lies in developing a profound awareness of ourselves – recognising the energy shifts in our bodies when emotions like irritation or sadness arise. Such self-awareness allows us to acknowledge our feelings without necessarily acting on them, offering clarity that exercise alone cannot provide.

Therapy and the Mastery of Mind

I strongly believe in the transformative power of therapy. It offers tools for mastering our minds and developing the self-awareness critical for mental health. One client of mine recently observed a breakthrough simply because he recognised the onset of illness early and chose rest, a decision he would not have made in the past. Instead, he would have carried on working despite his symptoms and ended up having to take more time off in the long run.

Understanding our behavioural patterns and the wounds of our childhood can enlighten us about the cause of our adult struggles. By becoming mindful of these patterns, we can start to challenge the narratives we’ve carried with us from a young age, reducing their power over our present lives.

Beyond Childhood Wounds

Our emotional baggage doesn’t just weigh us down; it shapes our view of the world. From feeling neglected as a child to facing rejections and setbacks in adulthood, these experiences forge patterns of belief within us. Recognising these patterns is the first step towards healing. It’s about understanding that these feelings, though real, are not the definitive truth of our self-worth.

Through the therapy I have given my clients, I have unearthed the roots of their issues, tracing them back to early life experiences. Recognising these patterns has enabled clients to see that recovery and understanding are within reach.

While we can celebrate the benefits of regular activity, let’s also open the conversation to the deeper aspects of mental health care. It’s about balancing our physical activities with an introspective look into our minds and hearts. True well-being is a harmony of the physical, emotional and psychological, and it is by nurturing all of these that we may find a more profound sense of peace and happiness. The most significant strides we can make are those toward understanding ourselves.

More Information

Julia hosts regular events and workshops that can help you develop greater self-awareness, moving you towards a more fulfilling and happier life. For more details on her events, visit


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