Want to feel younger and have more energy? Don’t focus on your age or any aches or pains you may be having.

Julia talks about eliminating pain and feeling more energised

Feeling younger and more energetic isn’t just about adopting new health regimes or adapting your diet. It’s also about shifting your mindset and challenging the narrative around ageing and discomfort. Here’s how changing the way you think about age and aches can make a massive difference in how you live your life.

The Power of Mindset

I recently turned 65, and people often marvel at my energy levels. The secret lies not in denying my age but in how I approach it. I don’t listen to any negative narratives of what 65 might be; instead, I focus on living actively and without the mental constraints that society often places on getting older. 

The Experiment

An interesting previous study illustrated this perfectly. Researchers placed three men in their seventies in a house together where they lived as if they were 20 years younger. They listened to music from their youth and immersed themselves in an environment reminiscent of their younger days. Over several months, their aches and pains significantly diminished simply because they readjusted their mindsets.

Learn from the Young at Heart

Watching how young people move can be a great lesson in retaining youthful energy. I observe young people walking up and down stairs with a spring in their step, and I mimic their movements rather than those of people who grip the handrails and move more cautiously. It’s remarkable how imitating youthful behaviour can invigorate your own energy flow.

Managing Chronic Pain

Living with a twisted L4 vertebrae and a slight scoliosis in my spine has given me plenty of experience in managing chronic pain. I focus on realigning my body and doing stabilising exercises every day. This proactive approach helps me manage the pain and stay fit and active.

Seeking Professional Help

If you’re experiencing pain, consult the appropriate healthcare professional, such as a physiotherapist or chiropractor. They can provide exercises and treatments to minimise discomfort and strengthen your body. Take control of your situation rather than succumbing to the pain.

Movement is Medicine

Staying active is crucial for maintaining energy and alleviating pain. I love to run, but there are times when I get stiff when sitting down and working in front of my clients. For instance, if I’ve been sitting for long periods, I stand up and pause for three seconds before walking to the kitchen or bathroom. This brief pause allows me to then move to the desired room more freely than if I tried to move immediately.

Exercise for Longevity

While I’m not advocating fast-running sessions for everyone, I personally find that fast-running benefits my condition by extending my range of movement, particularly in my hip flexors. An X-ray a few years ago showed minimal wear and tear on my spine, a testament to the importance of staying active. Early intervention and consistent exercise can prevent long-term issues. The X-ray showed that there was a tiny bit more wear and tear on one hip compared to the other because of the imbalance in my body. So I immediately decided to deal with that now so that it doesn’t become a problem in the long-term future.

Nutrition and Healthy Living

I eat a diet rich in foods that help rebuild cartilage, such as Brazil nuts, almonds, avocados, blueberries, fish, and green leafy vegetables. My natural inclination towards healthy food has undoubtedly contributed to my well-being. I also drink a lot of water.

Mental Resilience

Mentally detaching from pain is equally important. I try not to worry about discomfort and instead work with it. Reframing negative thoughts about injuries as just a bundle of thoughts helps to create a healthier narrative.

Prioritising Sleep

Getting enough sleep is essential, but when I can’t fit in more than, say, six hours, I remind myself that it’s sufficient. While I prefer to get eight hours of sleep, it’s not always possible. So when I set my alarm at night, I will tell myself: ‘Six hours of sleep is enough’ rather than telling myself I’ll feel tired the next day. This positive affirmation helps me stay rested and ready to tackle the day.

Live Beyond Limits

Ageing and aches don’t have to hold you back. By shifting your mindset, staying active, eating healthily, and taking control of your well-being, you can remain energetic and youthful. Don’t let societal norms dictate how you feel. 


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